Tuesday 14 October 2014

Smart Light

I would like to share some features about the smart light technology which I think will be the next trending thing in the tech world. It is not a new topic, but by the emergence of smart phones, smart light business got new wings.
Smart light technology is introduced to save energy by turning off light when not needed. The smart light technology mainly used the combination of Bluetooth and WIFI .The smart light can be connected just like ordinary lights into the socket. Companies like emberlight has now started to produce smart light adapters so that any kind of ordinary lights i.e. incandescent, halogens, CFL, LED etc. can be fitted into that socket and convert it to a smart light.
The smart light package has a hardware part and a software part .The hardware part is the light or adapter. The software part is the app which can run using your smart phone The app and light is connected using home Wi-Fi.
These are some of the interesting feature of smart light.
• Switch on or off a single or multiple lights right from your smart phones. • Dim Your Lights automatically based on proximity. • Automatically Dim/Turn off lights in the morning. • Turn Lights on from a distance before returning home. • Know what lights are on in a single room or the whole house. • Know how much unit of current used by each of the light in a month. • Turn your lights on/Off from anywhere in the world. • Automatically turn on the light when you enter your room, turn off when you leave the room. • Set the bed lamp to turn on when you get a call at night.
To know more check this link,

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